Tools & Apps
Hotstart strives to provide the best customer service possible in support of our products. We provide tools and apps to help customers determine the best heater solution for their application.
Hotstart's Engine Heater Sizing App will help you determine the heater best suited for your project. Access the web version of our guide or download it today from the App Store or Google Play to start specifying a heating solution based on your needs.
Need to reduce your fuel costs? Idle reduction systems can save you thousands on fuel costs each year in locomotive operations. Find out how much money you can get back into your budget by cutting diesel costs in the field with Hotstart's Fuel Consumption Calculator.
Looking for an energy efficient heating solution for backup or standby generators? Hotstart’s Energy Efficiency Calculator can help you estimate potential energy savings by switching from a thermosiphon heater to a HOTflow pump-driven forced circulation heating system. Reduced kilowatt usage with HOTflow heaters can result in savings up to 30% on your utility costs. Calculate how much you can save today!